A home for all in North Dakota.
Our Policy Agenda.
The policy agenda of the Housing ND Alliance is based in supporting policy, funding, and programs that increase attainable housing, tenants rights/ protections, and services that address homelessness. Listed here are bills that the alliance is tracking in the current session of the ND legislature. Each bill is noted if it is supported, opposed, or there is nuanced support of a particular legislation. Also listed are some policy statements.
SB 2258 | Vital Records for Youth | Youth Shelter Study
Relating to access to birth records. HND supports increased access to birth records for homeless youth.
UPDATE: Following this bill’s hearing, the ND Dept. of Health, Division of Vital Records began working with bill sponsors and advocates to change internal procedures to address barriers for homeless youth accessing vital records. Subsequently, this bill has been amended to provide for a legislative management study relating to shelter care programs for runaway youth. 2258 has passed the Senate and has a “do pass” recommendation in the House.
HND supports this amendment and study.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2265 | Health Care for Homeless Youth
Relating to allowing unaccompanied homeless minors to access health care without parental consent. HND Alliance supports this bill.
UPDATE: This bill has passed the Senate and House.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1440 | Priority of Payments under a rental agreement
Relating to rents and the priority of payments under a rental agreement. HND Alliance supports this bill for prioritizing rent payments toward rent over back fees.
UPDATE: This bill did not pass in the House.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1442 | Cap on Rental Late Fees
Relating to late fees on rents under a rental agreement. HND Alliance supports this bill capping late fees on rents.
UPDATE: This bill was amended and passed the House but failed to pass in the Senate. HND Alliance supports the bill as amended.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1091 | Youth Sheltering Certification
Relating to the use of an automated clearing house to facilitate payment; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 50-06-01.4, subsection 8 of section 50-11-00.1, and sections 50-11-02 and 50-11-03.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to shelter care services, foster care for children, foster care approval and licensing of facilities, and the use of public funds; and to provide for application. HND Alliance is neutral and observing this bill.
UPDATE: This bill has passed the House and Senate with Amendments and was signed by the Governor.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2159 | Mobile Home Tenant Rights
Relating to mobile home park tenant rights; to provide a penalty; and to provide an effective date. HND Alliance supports increased tenants rights for mobile home renters and owners.
UDPATE: This has passed the Senate as amended and has been heard in the House.
HND Alliance continues support as amended.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB1443 | Bias Crime Law
Relating to the data collection and reporting of bias crimes; to amend and reenact sections 12-63-04, 12.1-17-02, 12.1-17-07, and 12.1-21-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the duty of the peace officer standards and training board to provide training on bias crimes, aggravated assault, harassment, and criminal mischief; to provide for a report to the legislative management; and to provide a penalty. HND is neutral on this bill and observing.
UPDATE: This bill did not pass the House.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HCR3045 | Bias Crime Study
A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying the prevalence of bias-motivated crimes committed in North Dakota on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or ancestry. HND is supportive of this bill.
UPDATE: This did not pass despite the committee “do-pass” recommendation.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1012 | Department of Human Service Budget
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of human services; to provide an exemption; and to provide for a report. This DHS appropriation includes a 50% cut for permanent supportive housing services.
UPDATE: This appropriation passed the House. It is still under consideration of the Senate and the HND Alliance continues to work for restoration of cut funds.
These vital cuts are opposed by the HND Alliance.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1380 | Legacy Funds for HIF
Relating to an economic diversification research fund, a legacy sinking and interest fund, a career and technical education support fund, a legacy earnings fund, a behavioral health support fund, a legacy infrastructure project fund, a state building maintenance and project fund, and an information technology cybersecurity fund; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 21-10-06 and section 21-10-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to funds invested by the state investment board and legacy fund definitions; to provide for a transfer; and to provide a report.
UPDATE: This bill has passed the House and is still being heard in the Senate.
The HND Alliance supports appropriating Legacy Fund earnings to provide longer term funding for the Housing Incentive Fund.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2127 | Housing Incentive Fund
Relating to the housing incentive fund; and to provide an appropriation. HND Alliance supports funding for HIF.
UPDATE: This bill did not pass the Senate.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2040 | Bonding Bill
Relating to bonded debt repayments; to amend and reenact sections 6-09.4-06, 6-09.4-10, and 15.1-36-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to borrowing and lending authority of the public finance authority, reserve funds associated with bonds, and the school construction assistance revolving loan fund; to provide an appropriation; and to provide a bond issue limit. HND Alliance supports the destination in this bill for the Housing Incentive Fund.
UPDATE: This bill failed in the Senate.
Check the status of the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
HB 1275 | Bonding Bill
Relating to an infrastructure bonding repayment fund, a research and innovation fund, a workforce development and lifelong education fund, a student meal and support services fund, a legacy earnings fund, a human services and public health stabilization fund, and a regional economic development infrastructure fund; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 21-10-06, section 21-10-12, and sections 54-54-08.1 and 54-54-08.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to funds invested by the state investment board, legacy fund definitions, and an arts and culture endowment fund; to provide a continuing appropriation; and to provide a transfer.
UPDATE: This bill failed in the House.
Check the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2014 | NDHFA Budget
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the industrial commission and the agencies under its control; to provide contingent funding; to provide for a transfer; and to provide an exemption. HND Alliance is observing this bill which includes appropriation for the ND Housing Finance Agency.
UPDATE: This appropriation has passed the Senate and is still being heard in the House.
Check the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
SB 2018 | Commerce Budget
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of commerce; and to provide for a transfer. This bill includes the the North Dakota Homeless Grant. HND Alliance supports this bill.
UPDATE: This bill has passed the Senate and is still being heard in the House.
Check the status of this legislation and view testimony and hearing video.
Our Policy Values.
The North Dakota Alliance monitors and supports legislation and funding in line with the common value that everyone in North Dakota deserves a place to call home.
North Dakota Homeless Grant
The North Dakota Homeless Grant (NDHG) are vital funds in addressing homelessness across the state of North Dakota. These funds augment federal dollars (Emergency Solutions Grant) to provide homeless prevention and shelter.
Housing Incentive Fund
The Housing Incentive Fund (HIF) is a state-funded gap financing program used with federal and private dollars to create affordable multifamily housing in urban and rural communities. The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) administers the program on behalf of the state of North Dakota. Leveraged as an upfront, one-time investment, HIF ensures rental homes in the supported projects will be affordable for a minimum of 15 years.
The North Dakota Legislative Assembly created HIF in 2011 to address workforce housing needs in western North Dakota. The program has evolved over the past decade into a flexible funding resource to construct and rehabilitate multifamily housing in communities across the state. Funding is dependent upon legislative approval.
Fair Housing
Policies that ensure everyone has access to safe and decent housing is critical to our shared value that everyone in our state deserves a home and that homelessness can be eradicated in North Dakota.
Ending Homelessness
With systems in place that are properly resourced, long term homelessness would not exist. Homelessness is much more costly than housing — both economically to communities and to to the health and well being of people living in housing crisis. Everyone in North Dakota deserves a place to call home and our Alliance is working to align policy and funding toward this end.